Free Quirky Plug-In From Sound Toys

4/1 – Free offer extended until April 3 (no fooling)

Every now and then Sound Toys offers up a free plug-in in exchange for putting you on their mailing list. This time around it’s once called Little Alter Boy, a pitch modification tool with among other things a “robot voice” (so year-before-last). If you’re not already signed up with Sound Toys, you’ll need to do that (and if you are, you probably already know about this offer). Although you don’t need an iLok key, you need an iLok account (also free) because that’s how they distribute the authorization codes.

To get your free Little Alter Boy, go to the Sound Toys web page where you’ll find the registration form and a demo video if you want to see what you’re getting first. You’ll need a redemption code. There are a bunch floating around the ‘net. Here’s one:



About mikeriversaudio

Helping people getting their studios together has been a passion of mine for more than 30 years. Get yours together.
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